Check our FAQ for answers to residents' most common questions.
How do I get a digging permit?
A Digging Permit From Iowa One Call
To reach Iowa One call, call 811 or 1-800-292-8989 from any phone to give them your information. You will get a recording right away, then just push the number 2 on your phone to get to a representative quicker. If you are doing the digging yourself, It is your responsibility to call Iowa One Call for a digging permit. If you have a contractor doing the work for you, it is their responsibility to call Iowa One Call. Digging permits have a 48-hour waiting period once they’re called in (to give all businesses time to locate their lines).
How do I get a tee time?
Please contact the Pleasantville Golf and Country Club at 515-848-5716 or visit their website.
How do I request a sewer adjustment on my water bill if I have a leak?
City Hall is informed of the leak as soon as it is discovered.
Documentation is needed by a licensed plumber on where the water leak was.
Prove that the water did not go down the drain by pictures and documentation from a plumber.
These documents will be reviewed by the city council at the regularly scheduled meeting to determine if a credit will be granted.
I received my water bill and noticed I had used more water.
Water usage varies from month to month.
Bathing and toilets require a lot of water. We suggest you inspect your toilet to see if it is leaking. City Hall has dye tablets that can be provided to you free of charge to assist you in determining if there is a leak.
Watering plants or gardens will increase your water usage. Outside water meters can be purchased at city hall for larger, outside usage. Once you start to use your outside meter sewer rates will not be applied to your bill.
What should I do if a water leak is discovered in my house?
Turn your water off inside your house to prevent further leakage.
We recommend you contact a licensed plumber to ensure the leak is fixed correctly.
Contact City Hall at 515-848-3316 if your curb stop needs to be shut off or if you feel the leak is a water main break. Our water department employees are not licensed plumbers and cannot repair any leaks inside your home.