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Outdoor Warning System

The Pleasantville Outdoor Warning System (OWS) is an outdoor, all-hazards siren system that is used to warn the citizens of Pleasantville of potential danger in a short amount of time. The system is designed to provide coverage to persons outdoors, not inside buildings or structures.

What Do the Sirens Mean?

The OWS will be activated upon:

Sirens will sound in a cycle of three minutes, followed by a 10- to 15-minute break for the duration of the threat (warning period). 

Please note that there will no longer be an "all clear" signal. Citizens should be indoors and monitoring local media or NOAA All-Hazards Radio for updates on the storm.

Siren Test

The City of Pleasantville will perform a monthly siren test to ensure all sirens function. The entire system is tested at 10 am on the first Wednesday of each month unless severe weather is imminent.

What Should I Do if I Hear the Sirens?

If sirens are activated — and it is not a monthly test — the public should see it as a signal to:

The public should not call 9-1-1 unless they have an actual emergency.

City of Pleasantville logo zoomed in

City of Pleasantville, Iowa

108 W. Jackson St.
Pleasantville, IA 50225

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